Shaped energy / Crowd movement
(2002 - 2004)
The individual facing the mass. The elements on the canvas (pins, matches) symbolize the crowd. I am in a new society, and I am looking for my place.
Materials: matches, nails, pins, oil, acrylic

La Ronda católica

2002 - 44x54cm
Matches and acrilyque on canvas.
Private collection - Paris, France.

Curiosidad científica

2002 - 95x95cm
Pins, paper and acrylic on wood.
Private collection - Paris, France

The Pole Dialogue

2004 -120x100cm
Acrylic, paper, ink and elements glued on cardboard

The headache

2003 - 36x27cm
Plaster, acrylic and elements on wood

El columpio inválido

2002 - 54x54cm
Plaster, acrylic and elements on wood
Private collection - Paris, France

El encuentro

2002 - 27x36cm
Paper and matches glued to canvas.

The Animal Business

2003 - 36x27cm
Plaster, ink and matches glued on cardboard. (wooden frame)

The Proyeccion del Ego

2002 - 78x54cm
Nails, paper and ink on cardboard. (wooden frame)


2003 - 75x50cm
Acrylic, paper, pins, ink and oil on canvas.
Private collection - Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

El Profeta

2002 - 50x50cm
mixed texnic.
Private collection - Santiago, Chile.

La Nueva escucha

2003 - 36x27cm
Acrylic, paper, ink and elements glued on cardboard.

Itchy pig

Technique Mixte.
Private collection - Beijing, China.


2001 - 77x31cm
Paper, pins, oil and ink on canvas

Study- The Poles dialogue

2003 - 40x40m
Technique Mixte.
Private collection - Santiago, Chile.

Study- S / T

2012 - 26x16cm
elements on wood.
Private collection - Paris, France.


2006/05 Participation in the Festival “SI, PO!” Chilean artistic news
Main Labor Area, Saint-Ouen, France.

2004/12 Exhibition "LA TRACE HABILITÉE"
George Sand Media Library, Palaiseau, France.

2003/09 Exhibition "MENSAJERAS AREAS"
Latin American Cultural Space, ECLA of Lyon, France.

Covers of the magazine “LATIN SPACES”
Published by the association Espaces Latinos de Lyon.